How to Fix Cracked Tooth: Comprehensive Guide
Explore tips on how to fix cracked teeth, and discover effective treatments for dental health.
How Do You Keep Your Teeth Clean After Braces?
Discover essential tips on how to keep your teeth clean after braces, ensuring a perfect, healthy smile.
Retainers for Teeth: Usage and Maintenance
Discover key insights on using, maintaining, and choosing the right retainer to ensure lasting dental alignment.
Orthodontic Retainers: Everything You Need to Know
Types of Retainers, Pros & Cons. Which is the best for you?
Hawley Retainers: $300 (Per Arch)
Clear Retainers: From $218 (Per Arch)
Fixed Retainers: $327 (Per Arch)
Tooth Extractions for Orthodontic Treatment
Tooth Extractions for Braces/Invisalign Cost in Singapore.
Simple Extractions: $90 to $150 per tooth
Surgical Extractions: Up to $650 per tooth (fully Medisave claimable)